This attractive bouquet is sure to delight! The purple carnations, lavender stock, mini orange spray roses, and orange lily create a brilliant bouquet that will dazzle those who receive it. Jubilation is the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care!
Classic Urn Vase, Foliage: Salal, Seeded Eucalyptus, Bicolored Orange Circus Roses, Purple Carnations, Red Mini Carnations, Green Hypericum, Purple Monte Casino Aster, Purple Liatris, Bells Of Ireland.
Enjoying summer is easy with this arrangement. Bold, bright orange roses, purple and red carnations, and purple asters pack a punch against verdant green bells of Ireland and seeded eucalyptus. Shout, "Hooray!" and enjoy this piece of summer today!
Ginger Vase, Foliage: Lily Grass, Galax Leaves, Dark Coral Gerberas, White Hydrangeas, Orange Roses, Peach Lilies, Purple Larkspur.
An unforgettable arrangement, Aurora is a sunset in a vase! With colors of peach, coral, oranges, whites, and purple, this beautiful display of florals will make a lasting impression. Roses, gerberas, lilies, larkspur, and green foliage make up this charming arrangement, call or order online today!
Tall Rectangular Vase, Foliage: Pittosporum, Hot Pink Gerberas, Lavender Monte Casino Aster, Lavender & White Alstroemeria, Hot Pink Miniature Spray Roses, Lavender Mini Carnations.
Showing appreciation for the ones we love is always important. This epic bouquet is filled to the brim with hot pink gerberas, spray roses, and lavender alstroemeria. From your spouse to your best friend, why not celebrate with a blooming good arrangement?
Summer is a simply remarkable time for flowers. Roses, gladiolus, Stargazer lilies and so many more are beaming with color this time of year. Bring that color indoors with a beautuful arrangement of summer flowers for yourself or a loved one. Let QUEEN BEE'S GARDEN help you choose the perfect summer blooms to make any occasion blossom.